Does the name “Anonymous” ring a bell? I am so punch-drunk at the works of Anonymous. The name is now synonymous with…maybe “the devil”. Yes? I am not really sure but organizations shudder at the thought of “Anonymous” (Hacking group).
An online activist collaborating with anonymous took down a site associated with EURO 2012 to protest mass killing of stray dogs ahead of the soccer championship in Ukraine. Yes! That’s right, you heard me clear, “protesting the mass killing of dogs”. This was fearlessly tweeted.
Don’t be astonished if DoS (Denial of Service) attack now replaces “occupy” kind of protest. I am just kidding. J
Elinor Mills of CNET News @ posted this June 8, 2012. Below is an excerpt of the attack
“The account for YourAnonNews tweeted: "#OpUkraine?: Revenge for your Animal Holocaust: ==>> TANGO DOWN!! | ?#Euro2012? via @AnonOpsLegion| ?#Anonymous? ?#Ukraine?"
The downed site is already up and running again.
It is said that Anonymous Modus Operandi is downing of websites. Maybe this attack could be justified as the news has it that, “tens of thousands of dogs, including some wearing collars indicating they are pets, reportedly have been poisoned, shot or thrown into incinerators alive.
Let me not bore you with the rest of the news content.
Do you think the downing of website is the new civilized way to shout foul? Let me know your thoughts.
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