Monday, July 16, 2012

An attack is not about, "whose system?" or "why?"; it’s about vulnerability.

Unfortunately, every day, week or month someone will fall prey to the trap of cybercriminals. This month (July 2012) Wikipedia is featured as a chick in the hackers claws.
The magazine “computers” at has Wikipedia as one of its news briefs for the month of July.

Vulnerability comes before an attack - Microsoft pics

It’s no surprise that Wikipedia is the latest web page to taste one of many forms of attack by hackers- Ads injection. Ads are streamed into Wikipedia’s pages, and when people click on these ads mistakenly or intentionally, they get malware downloaded to their systems which in-turn steal their personal information.
In my opinion, it took a long time for Wikipedia to be attacked considering their culture on the net. Wikipedia can actually allow any person entry into anyone’s page and their webpages can be edited. I also see no security in place. I may be wrong though, there might be a form of security is place.
I actually have a page in Wikipedia; it can be located here: eCommerce
Do you know anyone and everyone can edit this page?
Fine, it is a given that they can be attacked considering their webpage policy or culture, but what about you and me. Are we security conscious? Do you have strong passwords? Do you have firewalls activated in your systems? Do you have antivirus and antimalware installed?
Some persons even indulge in allowing their browser to save their passwords and browsing history. They even allow add-ons from any site requesting. No! Don’t do that, else you will be setting yourself up for the bad guys to take over the system you or your organization invested so much to set up.
Organizations should forbid their employees or households should forbid their members to allow browsers to remember their passwords or browsing history.
These are little ways you can be protected. But as I pointed out in an earlier blog, security starts with you. If large organizations web pages can be attacked, you are not any different.
An attack is not about whose or why, it is about vulnerability. You may be next if you do not take necessary precaution in securing your organizations web applications or your personal computers.
Until next week when I set my eyes on you again stay hydrated. Bye.

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